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RiverPro 460/LS1

(4 posts) (4935 views)

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  1. Mike

    Joined: Jul '08
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    Just started another 460 riverpro, this one will have a 2nd hand LS1 with Southern jet 8 1/4 two stage with trim. :big_smile:


    1. 2012-07-25_16-56-20_32.jpg (154.3 KB, 5 downloads) 12 years old
    Posted 12 years ago    #                  
  2. Mike

    Joined: Jul '08
    Posts: 1,924

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    Progress :big_smile:


    1. 2012-07-28_15-57-05_176.jpg (168.6 KB, 3 downloads) 12 years old
    Posted 12 years ago    #                  
  3. Mike

    Joined: Jul '08
    Posts: 1,924

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    allot more progress :big_smile:


    1. 2012-11-22_16-53-49_62.jpg (152.5 KB, 0 downloads) 11 years old
    2. 2012-11-22_16-52-24_618.jpg (149.4 KB, 0 downloads) 11 years old
    3. 2012-11-22_16-52-33_38.jpg (159 KB, 0 downloads) 11 years old
    4. 2012-11-22_16-52-55_288.jpg (160.9 KB, 3 downloads) 11 years old
    5. 2012-11-22_16-53-09_242.jpg (165.1 KB, 0 downloads) 11 years old
    6. 2012-11-20_16-51-29_9.jpg (172 KB, 0 downloads) 11 years old
    7. 2012-11-20_16-51-45_803.jpg (158 KB, 0 downloads) 11 years old
    Posted 11 years ago    #                  
  4. Mike

    Joined: Jul '08
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    We have been river testing both today and yesterday and WOW, with the new manifolds this thing has some serious punch. The hull handling is outstanding and the boat is exceptionally quiet, even without carpet (to be completed by the owner). The way we build the hulls helps reduce hull noise. We have also found that the Southern Jet unit is consistently quiet compared to other units. The hard work that has gone into our boats is paying off, as we have some VERY happy RiverPro owners and it is great to talk to them and receive emails from them saying how impressed they are with the handling of our hulls. It's also great seeing the faces of prospective buyers after they come for a test drive :big_smile:


    1. 2012-12-14_13-43-42_96.jpg (155.8 KB, 2 downloads) 11 years old
    2. 2012-12-14_13-40-38_43.jpg (145.2 KB, 0 downloads) 11 years old
    3. 2012-12-14_13-30-23_924.jpg (170.5 KB, 2 downloads) 11 years old
    4. 2012-12-14_13-30-09_0.jpg (136.9 KB, 2 downloads) 11 years old
    5. 2012-12-14_13-29-57_948.jpg (127.5 KB, 0 downloads) 11 years old
    6. 2012-12-14_13-28-26_312.jpg (171.3 KB, 0 downloads) 11 years old
    Posted 11 years ago    #                  

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