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Kids Jet boat

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  1. Mike

    Joined: Jul '08
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    here is the hull of a kids boat that will have a small jet ski pump and honda motor. It is big enough for two kids :big_smile:

    or one adult... :haha:


    1. 2011-12-21_15-40-51_15.jpg (133.3 KB, 1 downloads) 12 years old
    2. 2011-12-21_15-40-33_496.jpg (177.6 KB, 1 downloads) 12 years old
    3. 2011-12-21_15-40-11_117.jpg (167.8 KB, 2 downloads) 12 years old
    Posted 12 years ago    #                  

    Joined: Sep '08
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    Have you finished this one yet ? any pics ?

    Posted 12 years ago    #                  
  3. Mike

    Joined: Jul '08
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    we have been working on it Ill take some more pics :big_smile:

    Posted 12 years ago    #                  
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    Joined: Sep '11
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    Any thing on your little boats yet ?

    Posted 12 years ago    #                  
  5. Mike

    Joined: Jul '08
    Posts: 1,924

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    It is framed with the sides but we are letting the owner find a suitable motor before we carry on :big_smile:

    Posted 12 years ago    #                  
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    Irwin {harm|hurt|damage} farewell official rookies Thomas lead Schubert


    NBA official announcement {in the|within the|inside the|during the|while in the|from the} {most recent|most up-to-date|newest} rookies, Cleveland {Cavaliers|Hardi} champion Lang Kerry Irwin on account of {injuries|accidents} also sidelined for {at least|a minimum of|at the very least|no less than|at the least|not less than} {one|1|a single|one particular|just one|a person} week, so he dropped {away|absent} {from the|in the|from your|through the|with the|within the} rookies. Isiah Thomas, Sacramento Kings, to seize {the chance|the possibility|the prospect} to {effectively|successfully|efficiently|properly|proficiently|correctly} rose {on the|around the|to the|within the|about the|for the} {prime|primary}, kore Thompson, the Golden State Warriors and Denver Nuggets, Kenneth Farui De breakdown {of the|from the|in the|with the|on the|of your} 2nd and {3rd|third}. Houston Rockets Chandler Parsons nonetheless {ranked|rated} sixth, the Maji Fu Phoenix Suns Morris and Charlotte Bobcats Kenba Walker is new during this week {on the|around the|to the|within the|about the|for the} listing.

    {1|one}. Thomas (King)

    {the 1st|the first} time {this period|this era} {for the|for that|for your|to the} {record|file|document|report}, {the latest|the most recent|the newest|the most up-to-date} chief. {In fact|Actually|In reality|The truth is|In truth|In actual fact}, {it is|it's|it really is|it truly is|it can be|it is actually} {because of|due to|as a result of|on account of|as a consequence of|thanks to} Irving s {accidents|mishaps}, but Thomas s {functionality|performance|features|operation} is {worthy|deserving} of recognition, {when the|once the|if the} {typical|common|standard|normal|regular|usual} {season|period|time} {a lot|a great deal|a whole lot|a good deal|lots|quite a bit} {less|much less|significantly less|considerably less|a lot less} than {three|3|a few} weeks, the NBA Draft {previous|prior|earlier|preceding|past|former} {just one|only one} picked {players|gamers} to {demonstrate|show|exhibit|display} by {themselves|on their own|by themselves}. Thomas {should|ought to|really should|must|need to|should really} get this {place|location|spot|area|position|put}, {every|each|each and every|every single|just about every|every last} month {he is|he's} progressing, {and in|as well as in} April nike hyperdunk 2011 {five|5} {online|on-line|on the internet|on the web|on the net|on line} {games|video games|online games|game titles} he averaged {16|sixteen}.{8|eight} {points|factors|details}, {45|forty five}.{8|eight} {percent|%|p.c} capturing, three-hit {amount of|quantity of|level of|volume of|number of} {43|forty three}.5%, than him two months {before the|prior to the} election month Rookie {from the|in the|from your|through the|with the|within the} {12|twelve} months is {additionally|furthermore|in addition|moreover|also|on top of that} {exceptional|excellent|outstanding|extraordinary|fantastic}.

    two. Thompson (Warrior)

    Thompson had {a great|an excellent|a fantastic|a terrific|an incredible|an awesome} week, {particularly|especially|specifically|specially|notably|significantly} {from the|in the|from your|through the|with the|within the} {third|3rd} line. {More than|Greater than|Over|In excess of|A lot more than|Much more than} {the earlier|the sooner} {a few|a couple of|several|a number of|some|a handful of} {video|video clip} {games|video games|online games|game titles}, Thompson {tips|suggestions|ideas|guidelines|recommendations|strategies} 17 {shots|pictures|photographs} {10|ten}, averaging {18|eighteen}.{3|three} {details|particulars|specifics|facts|information|points}. Misplaced {on the|around the|to the|within the|about the|for the} Jazz Planet War I, in his {3rd|third} ball went {4|four} this operation to him {following|subsequent|next} {the game|the sport} to {win|gain} {coach|mentor} Mark Jackson praise.

    {3|three}. Fa Ruide (Denver)


    only {get the|obtain the|receive the} {factors|elements|aspects|variables|components|things} {and four|and 4} rebounds in opposition {to the|towards the|for the|on the|to your|into the} Warriors, Fa Ruide {the 2|the two} sides, {two times|twice} {right|correct|proper|appropriate|ideal|suitable} {after|following|right after|immediately after|soon after|just after} the {fight|battle|combat} broke out, 27 {points|factors|details} and 17 rebounds ({equally|similarly} {for your|for the|to your|on your|in your|for your personal} career-high), which aided the Nuggets to victory by 39 {details|particulars|specifics|facts|information|points}. Fa Ruide 24 minutes {18|eighteen} {to twelve|to 12}, {you will|you'll|you are going to|you may|you might|you can expect to} {discover|uncover|learn|find out|find|explore} two steals and {one|1|a single|one particular|just one|a person} {particular|specific|certain|distinct|unique|individual} block.

    {four|4}. Ayman Schubert ({The big|The large|The massive} apple Knicks)

    Monday defeat the Chicago Bulls are {perhaps|maybe|possibly|probably|conceivably|most likely} {one of|certainly one of|among|one among|considered one of|one in every of} {several|a number of|numerous|many|various|quite a few} {most effective|best|simplest|only|handiest} {overall|general|all round|total|over-all|in general} {performance|efficiency|overall performance|functionality|effectiveness|general performance} of Schubert, {in addition|additionally|furthermore|moreover|also|on top of that} to {14|fourteen} {pictures|photos|images|photographs|pics|shots}, {5|five} Chinese and {overseas|abroad}, he had fifteen {points|factors|details}, {9|nine} rebounds , {six|6} {helps|assists|aids|will help|can help|allows} and {4|four} steals, {additional|extra|further|added|more|supplemental} importantly, he has {quite a few|a number of|a good number of|many|plenty of} {important|essential|crucial|critical|significant|vital} {functionality|performance|features|operation} and {play|perform|engage in} a {task|job|activity|process|undertaking|endeavor} in {defense|protection}, {allowed to|permitted to} {win|gain} the {believe|think|feel|imagine|believe that|consider} in of Tyson Chandler.

    {five|5}. Kawa Yi Leonard (San Antonio)

    Leonard {taking|using} {part|component|portion|element|aspect|piece} in time {in the|within the|inside the|during the|while in the|from the} April drop, and his contribution {to a|to some|into a} corresponding drop. Leonard did {within|inside|inside of|in} {the earlier|the sooner} {six|6} {to score|to attain} in ambigu figures, but his {function|perform|operate|purpose|functionality} air jordan 1 {inside the|within the|in the} {staff|employees|workers|personnel|team} {rather|instead|fairly|relatively|somewhat|alternatively} than {much|a lot|significantly|considerably|substantially|a great deal} has modified. He can {however|nevertheless|nonetheless|even so|on the other hand|having said that} steal in sixteen consecutive {online|on-line|on the internet|on the web|on the net|on line} {games|video games|online games|game titles}, {each|every|each and every|every single|just about every|each individual} {individual|person|personal|specific|particular person|unique} not {less|much less|significantly less|considerably less|a lot less} than {1|one} steal, Popovich not frightened with regards {to the|towards the|for the|on the|to your|into the} lineup of rotation, so {men|males|guys|gentlemen|adult males|adult men} {and women|and ladies|and girls} {do not|don't|usually do not|tend not to|will not|really don't} {should|ought to|really should|must|need to|should really} {worry|be concerned|fret|fear|stress|get worried} about Leonard s contribution.

    {six|6}. Parsons (rocket)

    defeat the {Trail|Path} Blazers {seven|7} 0-for-the Parsons two {video|video clip} {games|video games|online games|game titles} scoring in {double|ambigu} figures. {Trail|Path} Blazers {is the|will be the|may be the|could be the|would be the|is definitely the} {to begin|to start} with time {due to the|because of the|as a result of|mainly because of the|due to|simply because of the} {fact|reality|truth|simple fact|actuality|point} January 29, scored a {aim|goal|intention|purpose} {inside the|within the|in the} recreation {didn't|did not|failed to} vote. April in {five|5} {game|sport|recreation|video game|activity} titles, rookie {subject|topic|matter|subject matter|issue|theme} only {2|two}.{2|two} rebounds in March {compared|in contrast|in comparison|when compared} {to the|towards the|for the|on the|to your|into the} {area|region|location|place|spot|space} averaged {five|5}.{eight|8} drop. Parsons, {this will|this may|this can|this will likely|this tends to|this could} not {care|treatment} about, {especially|particularly|specifically|specially|in particular|mainly}, the adizero rose 2.5 Rockets {won|received} {four|4} straight and occupy sixth {place|location|spot|area|position|put} {while|whilst|although|even though|though|when} {in the|within the|inside the|during the|while in the|from the} western.

    {7|seven}. Tristan cheap jordan shoes Thompson (Knight)

    Varejao wrist {damage|harm|injury|hurt|destruction|deterioration} {practically|virtually|pretty much|nearly|almost} healed, his comeback could {make it|allow it to be|ensure it is|help it become} {possible|feasible|achievable|attainable|doable|probable} for Thompson {back|back again|again} {again|once more|once again|yet again|all over again} {into the|in to the|to the|into your|in the} bench, but {really|truly|actually|genuinely|seriously|definitely} {should not|shouldn't|mustn't} {deliver|provide|supply|produce} {much|a lot|significantly|considerably|substantially|a great deal} {hurt|harm|damage} {on the|around the|to the|within the|about the|for the} rookie . Monday s {game|sport|recreation|video game|activity}, Thompson {knowledgeable|educated|experienced|well-informed|proficient|professional} a career-best {performance|efficiency|overall performance|functionality|effectiveness|general performance} to {grab|seize|get} a {profession|occupation|career|job} {substantial|significant|considerable|sizeable} {15|fifteen} rebounds, {additionally|furthermore|in addition|moreover|also|on top of that} {15|fifteen} {points|factors|details} and two blocked {pictures|photos|images|photographs|pics|shots}, but regretably the Hardi misplaced {to the|towards the|for the|on the|to your|into the} Nets.

    {eight|8}. Morris ({Sunshine|Sunlight})

    Suns {truly|really|genuinely|actually|definitely|certainly} {hold|maintain} {the opportunity|the chance} {to make|to create|to produce|to generate|for making|to help make} the playoffs, Morris {played|performed} {an important|a crucial|an essential|a vital|a significant|a very important} {role|function|part|position|purpose} {inside the|within the|in the} {team|group|crew|staff|workforce} s {impact|influence|effect|affect|impression|effects}. Suns {earlier|previously|before} {5|five} {video|video clip} {games|video games|online games|game titles} to {win|gain} {four|4} {video|video clip} {games|video games|online games|game titles}, {in the|within the|inside the|during the|while in the|from the} eighth {within|inside|inside of|in} the west {on the|around the|to the|within the|about the|for the} Denver Nuggets, only a ball, Morris has held up {quite|fairly|very|really|rather|pretty} {nicely|properly} {within|inside|inside of|in} the {previous|prior|earlier|preceding|past|former} {3|three} victories. These {video|video clip} {games|video games|online games|game titles}, he averaged {15|fifteen} {details|particulars|specifics|facts|information|points} and {5|five} rebounds, strike {fee|charge|payment|price|cost|rate} of 63% from {three|3|a few} {and 7|and seven} {photographs|pictures|images|photos}. {Within|Inside|Inside of|In} the {win|gain} {above|over|previously mentioned|higher than|earlier mentioned|previously} the Timberwolves {game|sport|recreation|video game|activity}, Morris scored a time {high|higher|substantial|large|significant|superior} with 21 {points|factors|details}.

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    Posted 12 years ago    #                  

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