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Southern Jet

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  1. Mike

    Joined: Jul '08
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    We are just fitting up our first Southern Jet into a boat with an LS1 (8.1/4 with trim), The quality of the castings and machining is well and truly up there with anything else on the market.
    The first stator is cast stainless as are the impellers Rodney and I are impressed with the quality and are looking forward to getting it going and testing.

    Posted 14 years ago    #                  
  2. Mike

    Joined: Jul '08
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    Some pics


    1. jet_001_(Large).jpg (105.2 KB, 3 downloads) 14 years old
    2. jet_002_(Large).jpg (102.1 KB, 4 downloads) 14 years old
    3. jet_003_(Large).jpg (106.3 KB, 6 downloads) 14 years old
    4. jet_004_(Large).jpg (110.8 KB, 7 downloads) 14 years old
    Posted 14 years ago    #                  
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    Wots the story with the southern jet unit have never heard of them?!

    Posted 14 years ago    #                  
  4. Mike

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    Southern jet is Clayton Scott.

    Scott Jet used to be Brian (father) Konrad and Clayton. They split to SDM (Konrad) and Southern jet, Brian and Clayton.

    Posted 14 years ago    #                  
  5. Mike

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    Got it all up and running and it goes real well, We GPS it tonight at 112km

    Its good as we now have back to back results of different jets and motors in the same hull.

    With stock 6 Liter LS motor (440hp) and SDM 852 jet the boat got 113km on the river (previous owner GPSed)
    With Stock 5.7 Liter motor (350/360hp) and southern jet 81/4 we got 112km on the river tonight.
    Both motors used the same computer (delphi) and the same exhausts etc so it was an accurate test

    Needless to say the new owner is Very happy and so are we


    Posted 14 years ago    #                  
  6. butch az
    butch az

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    With 90 odd less horsepower thats not to shabby , youll have show us some more pics of that unit :victory:

    Posted 14 years ago    #                  
  7. Mike

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    Yeah the performance was good all round, lots of punch as well as top end, I am keen to put a 6L in front of the 8 1/4. we will be fitting one of the southern jet 8 1/2 two stage jets as well.

    Posted 14 years ago    #                  
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    Hey wots 1 of these units worth for a motor pushin 450 5 hundy hp??

    Posted 14 years ago    #                  
  9. Mike

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    They are $9200+gst for the 81/4 with trim noz or $9500+ for the 8 1/2 with trim :big_smile:

    Posted 14 years ago    #                  
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    hey what size hulls are these speed based on and is it down stream in the same river sounds strange to me that with 90 more hp you've only got 1 more km of speed is it ls2 motor or a l98 with the 440hp :scorn: :scorn:

    Posted 14 years ago    #                  
  11. Mike

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    Same hull, same river, L98 was the 6L motor, 2nd hand LS1 5.7 was the other as removed from car :big_smile:

    Posted 14 years ago    #                  

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