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Another RiverPro 460

(3 posts) (3352 views)
  1. Mike

    Joined: Jul '08
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    We have ordered another RiverPro 460 from the router cutter for transplanting the gear from a Dona boat. This was yet another buyer doing his and her homework and trying different boats and deciding on RiverPro for its handling and in particular the super soft ride and slow planing characteristics , I do love that side of the job and look forward to assisting in the build :big_smile:

    Posted 11 years ago    #                  
  2. User has not uploaded an avatar

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    The stripping of the dona boat is going well. Engine out tonight and started on the unit removal. Everything else is out of the boat already. Now I just have to empty the garage out to make enough room for the new hull. Guess I still have a few weeks to sort that out though.

    Posted 11 years ago    #                  
  3. Mike

    Joined: Jul '08
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    Hi Shayne, gees your not mucking around :exciting: the cut is due here today then off to the folders :big_smile:

    Posted 11 years ago    #                  

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